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Teaching activities

Academic Year 2024/2025

Professor for the Course on Gestione della Conoscenza per i Servizi Digitali (Knowledge Management for Digital Services), University of Salerno. Master Degree in Communication Science.

Professor for the Course Laboratorio di Fondamenti di Programmazione, University of Salerno. Master Degree in Communication Science.

Professor for the Course on Informatica e Tecnologie per la Digital Transition, University of Salerno. Bachelor Degree in Communication Science.

Professor for the Course Computer Science/Fondamenti di Data Science, University of Salerno. Master Degree in Digital Marketing.

Professor for the Course Marketing Analytics, University of Salerno. Master Degree in Digital Marketing.

Academic Year 2023/2024

Professor for the Course on Gestione della Conoscenza per i Servizi Digitali (Knowledge Management for Digital Services), University of Salerno. Master Degree in Communication Science.

Professor for the Course on Informatica e Tecnologie per la Digital Transition, University of Salerno. Bachelor Degree in Communication Science.

Professor for the Course Laboratorio di Informatica Avanzata 1, University of Salerno. Master Degree in Communication Science.

Academic Year 2022/2023

Lecturer for the Course on Design and Evaluation of Cognitive Artificial Systems at the Doctoral School in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Turin.
This doctoral course introduces the main modelling methods, paradigms and technologies involved in the design of cognitive artificial systems, with a particular emphasis on Cognitive Architectures (e.g. ACT-R, SOAR etc.).

Lecturer for the Course "Intelligenza Artificia e Laboratorio" (IALab) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Turin.

Professore aggregato for the Course Informatica II (6 ECFU) at Scuola Inter-Ateneo di Scienze Strategiche, University of Turin and University of Modena. My teaching duties includes 24 hours of frontal lessons where I teach a basic course of introduction to programming in Python.

Professore aggregato for the Course on Web Technologies (6 ECFU) at the SAA School of Business Administration, Department of Management, University of Turin.
My teaching duties includes 42 hours of frontal lessons where I teach the basics of internet protocols, web languages (ex. html, xml, javascript, php) and human-computer interaction/cognitive ergonomics. Proposte tesi

Academic Year 2021/2022

Lecturer for the Course on Design and Evaluation of Cognitive Artificial Systems at the Doctoral School in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Turin.
This doctoral course introduces the main modelling methods, paradigms and technologies involved in the design of cognitive artificial systems, with a particular emphasis on Cognitive Architectures (e.g. ACT-R, SOAR etc.).

Lecturer for the Course "Intelligenza Artificia e Laboraratorio" (IALab) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Turin.

Professore aggregato for the Course Informatica (6 ECFU) at Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature straniere e Culture moderne, University of Turin. My teaching duties includes 36 hours of frontal lessons where I teach a basic course in Computer Science (digital representation, computer architecture, operative systems, introduction to databases and SQL, computer networks, internet procotols)

Professore aggregato for the Course on Web Technologies (6 ECFU) at the SAA School of Business Administration, Department of Management, University of Turin.
My teaching duties includes 42 hours of frontal lessons where I teach the basics of internet protocols, web languages (ex. html, xml, javascript, php) and human-computer interaction/cognitive ergonomics. Proposte tesi

Academic Year 2020/2021

Lecturer for the Course on Design and Evaluation of Cognitive Artificial Systems at the Doctoral School in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Turin.
This doctoral course introduces the main modelling methods, paradigms and technologies involved in the design of cognitive artificial systems, with a particular emphasis on Cognitive Architectures (e.g. ACT-R, SOAR etc.).

Professore aggregato for the Course Informatica (6 ECFU) at the Department of Pharmacy and CTF, University of Turin. (slides)
My teaching duties includes 36 hours of frontal lessons where I teach a basic course in Computer Science (digital representation, computer architecture, operative systems, introduction to databases and SQL, computer networks, internet procotols, web technologies)

Professore aggregato for the Course on Web Technologies (6 ECFU) at the SAA School of Business Administration, Department of Management, University of Turin.
My teaching duties includes 42 hours of frontal lessons where I teach the basics of internet protocols, web languages (ex. html, xml, javascript, php) and human-computer interaction/cognitive ergonomics.

Academic Year 2019/2020

Lecturer for the Course on Design and Evaluation of Cognitive Artificial Systems at the Doctoral School in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Turin.
This doctoral course introduces the main modelling methods, paradigms and technologies involved in the design of cognitive artificial systems, with a particular emphasis on Cognitive Architectures (e.g. ACT-R, SOAR etc.).

Professore aggregato for the Course Informatica (6 ECFU) at the Department of Pharmacy and CTF, University of Turin. (slides)
My teaching duties includes 36 hours of frontal lessons where I teach a basic course in Computer Science (digital representation, computer architecture, operative systems, introduction to databases and SQL, computer networks, internet procotols, web technologies)

Professore aggregato for the Course on Web Technologies (6 ECFU) at the SAA School of Business Administration, Department of Management, University of Turin.
My teaching duties includes 42 hours of frontal lessons where I teach the basics of internet protocols, web languages (ex. html, xml, javascript, php) and human-computer interaction/cognitive ergonomics.

Academic Year 2018/2019

Lecturer for the Course on Design and Evaluation of Cognitive Artificial Systems at the Doctoral School in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Turin.
This doctoral course introduces the main modelling methods, paradigms and technologies involved in the design of cognitive artificial systems, with a particular emphasis on Cognitive Architectures (e.g. ACT-R, SOAR etc.).

Professore aggregato for the Course Informatica B (Information Science B) (6 ECFU) at the Department of Psychology, University of Turin. (slides)
My teaching duties includes 36 hours of frontal lessons where I teach a basic course in Computer Science (digital representation, computer architecture, operative systems, introduction to databases and SQL, computer networks, internet procotols, web technologies)

Professore aggregato for the Course on Web Technologies (6 ECFU) at the SAA School of Business Administration, Department of Management, University of Turin.
My teaching duties includes 42 hours of frontal lessons where I teach the basics of internet protocols, web languages (ex. html, xml, javascript, php) and human-computer interaction/cognitive ergonomics.

Academic Year 2017/2018

Professore aggregato for the Course Informatica A (Information Science A) and Informatica B (Information Science B) (6 ECFU) at the Department of Psychology, University of Turin. (slides)
My teaching duties includes 72 hours of frontal lessons where I teach a basic course in Computer Science (digital representation, computer architecture, operative systems, introduction to databases and SQL, computer networks, internet procotols, web technologies)

Professore a Contratto (Adjunct Professor) for the Course on Web Technologies (6 ECFU) at the SAA School of Business Administration, Department of Management, University of Turin.
My teaching duties includes 42 hours of frontal lessons where I teach the basics of internet protocols, web languages (ex. html, xml, javascript, php) and human-computer interaction/cognitive ergonomics.

Academic Year 2016/2017

Professore a Contratto (Adjunct Professor)for the Course on Web Technologies (6 ECFU) at the SAA School of Business Administration, Depaermtne of Management, University of Turin.
My teaching duties includes 42 hours of frontal lessons where I teach the basics of internet protocols, web languages (ex. html, xml, javascript, php) and human-computer interaction/cognitive ergonomics. Statistics of the Students/Evaluation of the course and of the teaching activity via Edumeter (PDF).

Professore a Contratto (Adjunct Professor) for the introductory course of "Computer Science for Humanities" (Humanities Computing) (9 ECFU) at the University of Genova (Italy). This was a standard introductory course to the main concepts of computer science for Humanities faculties. The final part of the course was specifically devoted to a technological introduction of the field of "Digital Humanities" (with a focus on language and semantic technologies that can be useful for humanists).
My teaching duties was of 54 hours teaching based on frontal lessons and lab activities. "Slides Corso (su AulaWeb). Statistics of the Students/Evaluation of the course and of the teaching activity via Edumeter (PDF 1, PDF 2).

Academic Year 2015/2016

Teaching Assistant for the Course on Web Technologies (course held by the Prof. Diego Magro) at the SAA School of Business Administration, University of Turin.
My teaching duties includes 53 hours of teaching divided in frontal lessons and laboratories.

Academic Year 2013/2014

Seminar on "Ontologies and Rule Systems" at the course of Cognitive Systems, University of Turin (Dept. of Computer Science), (course held by the Professors Guido Boella, Alessandro Mazzei and Daniele P. Radicioni).

Seminar on "Ontology Reasoning" at the course of Artificial Intelligence, University of Turin (Dept. of Psychology), (course held by the Professors Vincenzo Lombardo Rossana Damiano).

Academic Year 2012/2013

Seminar on "Concepts and Ontological Representation" at the course of Artificial Intelligence, University of Turin, (Prof. Leonardo Lesmo and Prof. Rossana Damiano).

20h of on line course (with Prof. Marcello Frixione) on "Ontology and Knowledge Representation" for the IIRAF (Istituto Internazionale per la Ricerca e Alta Formazione), Vietri sul Mare.

Seminar on Ontology Reasoning at the course "Semantic Web", (Prof. Federica Cena), University of Turin. pdf slides.

Academic Year 2011/2012

Teaching assistant at the courses of Formal Logics and Logics of Natural and Artificial Languages, University of Salerno (Prof. Marcello Frixione). Activity: Seminars and Lessons on Knowledge Representation, Description Logics, Ontology Engineering and Semantic Web.

Academic Year 2010/2011

Lecturer for a Master course of 20h on "Ontologies and Knowledge Representation" held at the IIRAF (Istituto Internazionale per la Ricerca e l’Alta Formazione, Vietri sul Mare).

Teaching assistant at the courses of Logics and Theory of Languages and Logics of Natural and Artificial Languages, University of Salerno (Prof. Marcello Frixione). Activity: Seminars and Lessons on Knowledge Representation, Description Logics, Ontology Engineering and Semantic Web Languages.

Academic Year 2009/2010

Teaching assistant at the courses of Formal Logics and Logics of Natural and Artificial Languages, University of Salerno (Prof. Marcello Frixione). Activity: Seminars and Lessons on Knowledge Representation, Description Logics, Ontology Engineering and Semantic Web Languages.

Supervised Ph.D. Students since 2019

Silvia Larghi, University of Milano-Bicocca (2023-ongoing), R. Massa Department of Human Sciences for Education (External Supervisor).

Manuel Gentile, University of Torino, Department of Computer Science, (2019-2023) Cognitive Architectures for Serious Games. Manuel is now a researcher at the ITD-CNR in Palermo.

Supervised Students (20) since 2008/2009 (listed in reverse chronological order)

Alberto Valese, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, COCOS: un tool per la combinazione creativa di concetti, (bachelor thesis).

Chiara Rossetti, University of Torino, Dept. of Management, Applying the Nudging Theory in Human Computer Interfaces: a Case Study on Hate Speech Online(Bachelor thesis in Web Technologies).

Daniele Greggio, University of Torino, Dept. of Management, Usare i Chatbot come Tecnologie Persuasive Un Caso di Studio nel Settore dei Videogames(Bachelor thesis in Web Technologies).

Carlo Petrini, University of Torino, Dept. of Management, Avatar e Tecnologie Persuasive: Un Caso di Studio(Bachelor thesis in Web Technologies).

Roberta Pepino, University of Torino, Dept. of Management, Avatar-based Persuasive Technologies: a Case Study in the Digital Luxury Context(Bachelor thesis in Web Technologies).

Isabella Testa, University of Torino, Dept. of Management, Influenzare le Decisioni tramite Tecnologie Persuasive: una Analisi Empirica su Facebook(Bachelor thesis in Web Technologies).

Kevin Fiordelisi, University of Torino, Dept. of Management, Tecnologie Web e Propaganda: Analisi delle Strategie Persuasive Online del brand Isis(bachelor thesis in Web Technologies). PDF

Federico Bertola, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, "Rappresentazione di opere d'arte nel social semantic web: modelli computazionali basati su ontologie per l'integrazione della dimensione emotiva" (Master thesis).

Enrico Mensa, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, "Design and Implementation of a Methodology for the Alignment of Semantic Resources and the Automatic population of Conceptual Spaces" (Master thesis).

Francesco Caronte, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, (Master thesis).

Francesco Ghigo, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, Integrazione di un sistema ibrido per la categorizzazione concettuale nelll’architettura cognitiva SOAR, (bachelor thesis).

Valentina Rho, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, Estensione di un sistema ibrido per la rappresentazione della conoscenza e integrazione con l’architettura cognitiva ACT-R, (Master thesis). Valentina won the prize of the Italian Association on Artificial Intelligence for the best Master Thesis in AI in 2016.

Mattia Ognibene, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, Integrazione di un sistema ibrido per la rappresentazione e categorizzazione concettuale nell’architettura cognitiva CLARION, (Master thesis).

Davide Messina, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, Wee: Web Engines Evaluator (Master thesis).

Davide Colla, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, Strumenti e schemi per la codifica di conoscenza prototipica in formati semanticamente ricchi (Bachelor thesis), Davide is currently a Master student at the Dept. of Computer Science.

Andrea Minieri, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, Progettazione e sviluppo di un framework per la rappresentazione di concetti e il reasoning negli spazi concettuali (Bachelor thesis), pdf thesis, Andrea is currently a Master student at the Dept. of Computer Science.

Alberto Piana, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, Sviluppo, integrazione e test di componenti per un sistema ibrido di rappresentazione della conoscenza (Master thesis), (pdf thesis), Alberto is currently a software developer in the industrial field.

Leo Ghignone, University of Torino, Dept. of Computer Science, Modellazione ontologica del carico visivo associato ai concetti: applicazione della teoria degli spazi concettuali nello sviluppo di una ontologia di dominio (Bachelor thesis), Leo is currently Master student at the Dept. of Computer Science.

Alessandro Maisto, University of Salerno, Dept. of Communication Sciences, Ontologie e Approcci Fuzzy (Master thesis) Alessandro is currently Research fellow at the University of Naples Federico II, Dept. of Engineering and Computer Science.

Francesco Rossi, University of Salerno, Dept. of Communication Sciences, Ontologie, Semantic Web e Linked Data (Bachelor thesis), Francesco is currently Ph.D. Student at the University of Salerno, Dept. of Communications Sciences.

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