Dual PECCS The system (co developed with Daniele P. Radicioni and Valentina Rho) is able to perform (in an integrated perspective) two different types of common-sense reasoning (prototypes and exemplars based categorization). Such types of reasoning are also integrated with standard deductive categorizations mechanisms. The overall approach developed has been integrated with 2 different general cognitive architectures (ACT-R and CLARION) making different representational assumptions.
Conceptual Spaces Classifier The system (co developed with Daniele P. Radicioni and Andrea Minieri) implements a hybrid approach to categorization aimed at extending the representational and reasoning capacities of standard ontological systems with a cognitively inspired approach (coupling conceptual
spaces and ontologies and performing prototypical as well as classical reasoning).
In particular this software package allows to perform a typicality-based conceptual classification within the Conceptual Spaces framework (which is one of the two components of the hybrid architecture) through the calculation of similarity metrics (Euclidean and Manhattan distance).
Drammar Ontology 5.0 Drammar (co-developed with Vincenzo Lombardo, Antonio Pizzo, Rossana Damiano and Cristina Battaglino) is an ontology of drama used for the semantic annotation of story-based media. It it is also equipped with SWRL rules able to calculate the
emotions felt by agents in different dramatic scenarios. The encoding of the appraisal for emotional rules is based on the OCC cognitive theory of emotions.
Labyrinth (co-developed with Rossana Damiano, P.I.) is an ontology-based system allowing a narrative-based semantic exploration of digital multimedia archives (i.e., it
it allows to explore the archive by means of the narrative elements - stories, actions, objects etc. - displayed by the items in the archive). In particular I was the main developer of the ArchetypeOntolgy (AO), written in OWL 2 QL language, allowing such kind of conceptual exploration as well as forms of automated reasoning.
I am one of the research contributors of ArsEmotica, an affective computing system applying semantic technologies for Sentiment Analysis to the Planet Art, In particular I developed the AEO AffectiveEmotionOntology upon which the system is based and I have provided its integration with
other Linked Data and ontological resources (DBpedia, FOAF, LEMON, OMR).
Related Publication: Viviana Patti, Federico Bertola,
Antonio Lieto, "
ArsEmotica for arsmeteo.org: Emotion-Driven Exploration of Online Art Collections" in Proceedings of FLAIRS 2015, 28th International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Society, Hollywood, USA, May 18-20, 2015, AAAI Press.